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Property Management Safety Tips For The Real Estate Market

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

 In the property management field working on vacant homes for over 9 years now, we have seen how important it is to make sure vacant homes are secured. 

When these homes go unchecked it invites squatters, and animals to make themselves nice and comfy.

Real estate agents rely on companies like Property Matrix LLC to do occupancy Inspections once per month to ensure properties are secure and maintained up to code.

This is a wonderful way to make sure there are no unwelcome surprises for our real estate agents or private investors.

 In the video you can review a live security breach for one of properties, and see for yourself why it's important to have a company on call.

 We received a call about a squatter living at this property, YIKES!

Normally real estate agents walk into these issues. Thankfully w caught it in time and secured the property. 

Here are some tips to follow when first showing a Property to Potential Clients 

1. Always phone someone to share where you are going at a specific time, and let them know the address.

 2. Arrive early at the property and do a quick walk around to make sure all windows and doors look intact, and NO sign of a breech.

3. Have a reliable property maintenance company on call in case you see anything sketchy.

4. Consider keeping a small pocket alarm 

5. Try to make appointments in the day time

Always remember new prospects "your lead " is a stranger and showing vacant properties to people is part of the job. Try to always keep a safe distance from your prospects at all times and it may be wise to carry a small pepper spray on your person at all times just in case. 

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